SDC - Forum - Information and Help
SDC Forum - Information, Help, & Sign-Up
Please read the following information before you attempt to Sign Up and Login for the first time.
At the bottom of this page is a Link for you to click on to Sign Up on the SDC Forum.
What is the SDC Forum?
The SDC Forum is an enhancement and addition to the SDC Web Site. It provides a place for registered users to discuss Corvette-related topics, and is an excellent way to share information and get help. It also provides a secure area for SDC Members-Only access.
The Forum is free to all Members of SDC and all non-commercial Corvette enthusiasts.
NOTE: If you sign up with the intention of advertising your business on this site, you will be
If you are a Corvette-related business, please contact the Forum Administrators for information on how to market your products to our Members.
Everyone wishing to access and use the SDC Forums MUST create a login “User Name” and “Password”. Registration for SDC Forum is free and easy. Just click on the link at the end of this page to go to our registration page. After creating a User Name and Password, the Forum Administrators will be e-Mailed notification of your Registration. Once you've signed up, you are free to enter the discussion forums right away. Please take a few minutes to read the forum guidelines for proper "netiquette" and view the "FAQ" (Frequently Asked Questions).
Forum Rules
Please read the Forum rules displayed above the posts in each Forum Topic.
What is an Administrator?
The Administrators (short form: "Admin") manage the technical details required for running the site. As such, they may promote (and demote) members to “moderators”. They manage the rules, create sections and sub-sections, as well as perform any maintenance operations. Administrators often also act as moderators. Administrators may also make forum-wide announcements, or change the appearance (known as the skin) of a forum.
What is a moderator?
A moderator is an SDC Forum member that has volunteered to help monitor the site. In the early days they will tend to help keep conversations going. They will also be spending time making sure that the forum remains a helpful, friendly place for all. They are volunteers and act as moderators in support of the SDC Forum system. Please be sure to thank them whenever you get the chance.
How do I use the Forum system?
The best way to get started, and the most detailed resource for information on a specific topic related to how to use the Forums, is to read the "FAQ" (Frequently Asked Questions).
What are 'topics' and 'posts'?
A topic (or thread) is simply one subject of discussion. For example you may see a topic titled "What is the best aftermarket intake system for a C5?". Within the topic itself are all of the individual 'posts' or 'replies' that make up the discussion on the topic.
How do I start a new topic?
Starting a new topic is very easy. If you are a registered user you will need to login to the site. You do that by clicking on the Login text in the upper right hand portion of the screen. From the main forum page, choose the appropriate section (C5, C4, C3, Off-Topic, etc...). You should see a list of current topics being discussed. Look to the upper left hand portion of the screen for the button that says New Topic. Click on this. You will be prompted to fill out the topic title, and the actual text of the topic. You should click on the "Preview" button to see what your post will actually look like BEFORE it is posted to the Forum. Once you're satisfied with the wording of your post, click on the "Submit" button. You will be taken back to the list of current topics. You should see yours at or near the top.
How do I reply to a post?
When you are reading a topic of interest and you choose to reply to that topic, you simply click on the "Post Reply" button above the post that you are replying to. (This assumes that you are already logged in. If you are not logged in you will need to login.) Type in your reply. Click on the "Submit" button.
How do I print?
To print a text-only version of the current post you are viewing in the Forums, click on the small printer icon in the upper right corner of the Forum window, just below the words "Advanced Search".
How do I reply to a post and include a quote?
If you choose to reply to a post and want to include a quote from the post that you are replying to simply click on the small icon that says "QUOTE. It's located in the upper right area of the post you wish to reply to. You may edit out the pieces that you don't wish to show in the quote.
How do I search for a subject?
Enter a search term in the search box located on the index, forum or topic pages. Advanced search can be accessed by clicking the “Advance Search” link which is available on all pages on the forum. How to access the search may depend on the style used.
Customizing the appearance of your posts
How do I put pictures in my post?
Your picture must be located on the Internet somewhere. If you don't have a place to put your pictures on the Internet, you can register for a FREE Photobucket account HERE. Please limit pictures to those of your vehicle, you, your family members, or other items that would be appropriate to this site. As always, NO ADULT CONTENT OF ANY KIND WILL BE TOLERATED, and posting of such images will get you BANNED FOR LIFE from the Forum.
Once you have your picture(s) uploaded to your Photobucket account, you can add it to a post following the instructions shown HERE. NOTE: Maximum picture size is limited to 256k. This is a GENEROUS size setting, so your photos should look really good. This size was chosen as the best compromise between site performance/storage limits and image quality.
How do I setup a "Signature" at the bottom of my posts?
You can setup your signature in your User Control Panel area. You may use many things, including: a link to your website, details about your car, and a photo of your car. If you choose to put a photo of your car in your signature, be sure that the photo is of a relatively small size. It shouldn't be more than 256k in size. Maximum Signature length is set to 550 characters. Maximum number of web site "links" that can be contained in a signature is 5.
To edit your Signature, click on "User Control Panel", then click on the "Profile" tab. Once you're viewing your Profile, click on "Edit signature" on the left side.
NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT edit your "account settings" in your User Control Panel. If you do, you may not be able to log back in or access the SDC Members-only area of the Forum!
If you need help with any of this, please contact one of the Forum Admins.
How do I setup an "Avatar" for my posts?
An "Avatar" is a small image, like the SDC Logo, that displayed to the right of every post you make on the Forums. You can setup your Avatar by following the instructions written HERE. NOTE: Avatar images have to be within a specific "size" and "dimensions", as follows: Maximum file size: 40Kbytes. Minimum Dimensions: 20 x 20 pixels. Maximum Dimensions: 320 x 320 pixels.
How do I include a "Link" to a web site in one of my posts?
Including a link in your posts is easy. Just past the "URL" (web site address) on a separate line, and be sure it starts with/contains the proper format. See the following example:
NOTE: As stated elsewhere on this site, NO LINKS TO ADULT CONTENT OR OUTSIDE ADVERTISING OF ANY KIND WILL BE TOLERATED. The exception is for SDC Members who wish to provide a link to their own web sites, which is allowed.
Here's an example of the three items just explained - It's a Forum post that contains a "Signature", an "Avatar", and a web site "Link" (NOTE: You will need to be registered to view the following Link):
Getting Help when things go wrong.
My password doesn't work
The Forum text is case sensitive. Please be sure that you are typing in your username/password with the exact capitalization as you used when you registered. If you don't have your password or have forgotten it, please contact one of the Forum Administrators who will reset it for you.
If you have verified that you are typing in the correct username/password and it still doesn't work, then please click on the following e-Mail link: for help.
I've forgotten my password/changed my e-Mail address
If you no longer have access to the e-Mail address we have on record, please click on the following e-Mail link: for help.
I don't see the latest replies/posts
If you see the number of posts count going up but don't see the new posts when you enter a thread then you probably just need to hit the reload/refresh button in your browser, once you enter the thread, to see the latest posts.
How can I change my forum user name?
Please only request user name changes if you have a valid reason. An example would be if you had the name 1985vette and sold it to buy a 1995 Corvette. A name change would make sense in this case. To have your name changed, please click on the following e-Mail link: and send us a message, including your old name and your new name. You post count and registration information will be retained. Please be aware that it may take a day or two to complete the change.
We will send you an e-mail as soon as we're done.
-- Click HERE to Sign Up/Register on the SDC Forums. Welcome! -- Click HERE to go back the Forum Page